home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; IBM keyboard to Amiga Converter
- ;
- ;
- ; list p=16c84, f=inhx8m ;Enter device name
- ; include "p16c84.inc"
- ;*******************following lines added**************************************
- ;
- ;The original source is Copyright © 1997 Stephen Marsden, taken from
- ;EPic12.lha, this changes are made to assemble MPASM source on Amiga
- ;with PICAsm.
- ;
- ;
- ;Dirk Düsterberg
- ;
- ; [InterNet] duesterb@unixserv.rz.fh-hannover.de
- ; [Homepage] http://linux.rz.fh-hannover.de/~duesterb/
- ;
- list p=16c84 ;Enter device name
- include "includes:p16cxx.inc"
- ;16c84 spezial register (EECON1) assigns:
- RD
- WR
- ;******************************************************************************
- ;
- ;------------------------------------------------------
- ;Please define ScratchPadRam here:
- ;If you are using PIC16C5X define "ScratchPadRam equ 0x10"
- ;else define "ScratchPadRam equ 0x20"
- ;-------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ScrollLock equ 0x0
- NumLock equ 0x1
- CapsLock equ 0x2
- Kclk equ 0x1
- Kdat equ 0x0
- Aclk equ 0x4
- Adat equ 0x3
- Arst equ 0x2
- Ctrlbit equ 0x0
- RAmigabit equ 0x1
- LAmigabit equ 0x2
- Keytype equ 0x0
- Resetype equ 0x1
- ;
- ;
- ScratchPadRam equ 0x0C
- ;
- Capbit equ ScratchPadRam+0x0
- Capdown equ ScratchPadRam+0x1
- CtrlDown equ ScratchPadRam+0x2
- RESET equ ScratchPadRam+0x3
- Lights equ ScratchPadRam+0x4
- Count3 equ ScratchPadRam+0x5
- ATparity equ ScratchPadRam+0x6
- Make equ ScratchPadRam+0x7
- Charbad equ ScratchPadRam+0x8
- Oldchar equ ScratchPadRam+0x9
- Amigachar equ ScratchPadRam+0xA
- Count1 equ ScratchPadRam+0xB
- Count2 equ ScratchPadRam+0xC
- ATchar equ ScratchPadRam+0xD
- tableoffset equ ScratchPadRam+0xE
- AltConfig equ ScratchPadRam+0xF
- Savechar equ ScratchPadRam+0x10
- returnvalue equ ScratchPadRam+0x11
- eeaddress equ ScratchPadRam+0x12
- eedata equ ScratchPadRam+0x13
- win95 equ ScratchPadRam+0x14
- Savechar2 equ ScratchPadRam+0x15
- ;
- ;
- org 0x0
- goto start
- ATtb1
- movwf PCL
- retlw 0x4F ;F9
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x57 ;F5
- retlw 0x5B ;F3
- retlw 0x5F ;F1
- retlw 0x5D ;F2
- retlw 0x41 ;F12=help
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x4D ;F10
- retlw 0x51 ;F8
- retlw 0x55 ;F6
- retlw 0x59 ;F4
- retlw 0x7B ;TAB
- retlw 0xFF ;~
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x37 ;Left ALT
- retlw 0x3F ;Left SHIFT
- retlw 0x0
- goto lctrl ;Left Ctrl
- retlw 0xDF ;Q
- retlw 0xFD ;1
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x9D ;Z
- retlw 0xBD ;S
- retlw 0xBF ;A
- retlw 0xDD ;W
- retlw 0xFB ;2
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x99 ;C
- retlw 0x9B ;X
- retlw 0xBB ;D
- retlw 0xDB ;E
- retlw 0xF7 ;4
- retlw 0xF9 ;3
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x7F ;SPACE
- retlw 0x97 ;V
- retlw 0xB9 ;F
- retlw 0xD7 ;T
- retlw 0xD9 ;R
- retlw 0xF5 ;5
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x93 ;N
- retlw 0x95 ;B
- retlw 0xB5 ;H
- retlw 0xB7 ;G
- retlw 0xD5 ;Y
- retlw 0xF3 ;6
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x91 ;M
- retlw 0xB3 ;J
- retlw 0xD3 ;U
- retlw 0xF1 ;7
- retlw 0xEF ;8
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x8F ;<
- retlw 0xB1 ;K
- retlw 0xD1 ;I
- retlw 0xCF ;O
- retlw 0xEB ;0
- retlw 0xED ;9
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x8D ;>
- retlw 0x8B ;/
- retlw 0xAF ;L
- retlw 0xAD ; ';'
- retlw 0xCD ;P
- retlw 0xE9 ;-
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0xAB ;@
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0xCB ;[
- retlw 0xE7 ;=
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x3B ;CAPS LOCK?
- retlw 0x3D ;Right SHIFT
- retlw 0x77 ;RETURN
- retlw 0xC9 ;]
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0xA9 ;#=right foreign key
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x9F ;\ (next to left shift on AT keyboard)
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x7D ;Back SPACE
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0xC5 ;1 keypad
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0xA5 ;4 keypad
- retlw 0x85 ;7 keypad
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0xE1 ;0 keypad
- retlw 0x87 ;dot keypad
- retlw 0xC3 ;2 keypad
- retlw 0xA3 ;5 keypad
- retlw 0xA1 ;6 keypad
- retlw 0x83 ;8 keypad
- retlw 0x75 ;ESCAPE!
- retlw 0x4B ;Number Lock=( keypad
- retlw 0xE5 ;F11=\
- retlw 0x43 ;+ keypad
- retlw 0xC1 ;3 keypad
- retlw 0x6B ;- keypad
- retlw 0x45 ;* keypad
- retlw 0x81 ;9 keypad
- retlw 0x49 ;scroll Lock=) keypad
- retlw 0x0
- ATtb2:
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x53 ;F7
- goto prtscreen ;print screen=R Amiga P
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x35 ;Right ALT
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- goto rctrl ;Right CTL
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x33 ;Left Win=Left Amiga
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x31 ;Right Win=Right Amiga
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- goto swapscreen ;Menu Key=L-Amiga M
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x8B ;/key, supposedly
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x79 ;Numeric Enter
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- goto endkey ;End=Shift right-cursor
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x61 ;Cursor Left
- goto home ;Home=Shift left-cursor
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x63 ;MACRO key=control
- goto insert ;Insert=Right Amiga 7
- retlw 0x73 ;Delete
- retlw 0x65 ;Cursor Down
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x63 ;Cursor Right
- retlw 0x67 ;Cursor Up
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- retlw 0x0
- goto pagedown ;Page Down=Shift down-cursor
- retlw 0x0
- goto prtscreen ;print screen=Right Amiga P
- goto pageup ;Page up=Shift up-cursor
- goto break ;Break=Ctrl-C
- ; retlw 0x0
- ; *** Left Control key ***
- lctrl
- btfsc win95,0x0
- retlw 0x39 ; ctrl
- retlw 0x33 ; left Amiga
- ; *** Right Control key ***
- rctrl
- btfsc win95,0x0
- retlw 0x39 ; ctrl
- retlw 0x31 ; right Amiga
- ; *** Menu = Left Amiga-M ***
- swapscreen
- movlw 0x33 ; Left Amiga pressed
- call actualtransmit
- movlw 0x91 ; M pressed & released
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x32 ; Left Amiga released
- call actualtransmit
- retlw 0x0
- ; *** Prt Scrn Key = Right Amiga-P ***
- prtscreen
- movlw 0x31 ; Right Amiga pressed
- call actualtransmit
- movlw 0xCD ; P pressed & released
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x30 ; Right Amiga released
- call actualtransmit
- retlw 0x0
- ; *** End Key = Shift right-cursor ***
- endkey
- movlw 0x3D ; Right shift pressed
- call actualtransmit
- movlw 0x63 ; right-cursor pressed & released
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x3C ; Right shift released
- call actualtransmit
- retlw 0x0
- ; *** Home Key = Shift left-cursor ***
- home
- movlw 0x3D ; Right shift pressed
- call actualtransmit
- movlw 0x61 ; left-cursor pressed & released
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x3C ; Right shift released
- call actualtransmit
- retlw 0x0
- ; *** PageDown Key = Shift down-cursor ***
- pagedown
- movlw 0x3D ; Right shift pressed
- call actualtransmit
- movlw 0x65 ; down-cursor pressed & released
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x3C ; Right shift released
- call actualtransmit
- retlw 0x0
- ; *** Pageup Key = Shift up-cursor ***
- pageup
- movlw 0x3D ; Right shift pressed
- call actualtransmit
- movlw 0x67 ; up-cursor pressed & released
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x3C ; Right shift released
- call actualtransmit
- retlw 0x0
- ; *** Insert Key = Right Amiga 7 ***
- insert
- movlw 0x31 ; Right Amiga pressed
- call actualtransmit
- movlw 0xF1 ; 7 pressed & released
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x30 ; Right Amiga released
- call actualtransmit
- retlw 0x0
- ; *** Break Key = Ctrl-C ***
- break
- movlw 0x39 ; Ctrl pressed
- call actualtransmit
- movlw 0x99 ; C pressed & released
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x38 ; Ctrl released
- call actualtransmit
- retlw 0x0
- ; *** Wait a long time ***
- longdelay
- movwf Count1
- dly
- call fixeddelay
- decfsz Count1,F
- goto dly
- return
- ;
- ; *** Wait a short while ***
- fixeddelay
- movlw 0xFF
- smalldelay
- movwf Count2
- delay
- decfsz Count2,F
- goto delay
- return
- ; *** Send character to Amiga and wait for handshake ***
- amigatransmit
- movwf Amigachar
- subwf Oldchar,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- return ; ignore it
- movlw 0x33 ; LAmiga pressed
- subwf Amigachar,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- bcf RESET,LAmigabit
- movlw 0x32 ; LAmiga released
- subwf Amigachar,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- bsf RESET,LAmigabit
- movlw 0x31 ; RAmiga pressed
- subwf Amigachar,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- bcf RESET,RAmigabit
- movlw 0x30 ; RAmiga released
- subwf Amigachar,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- bsf RESET,RAmigabit
- movlw 0x3B ; jump if not Capslock down
- subwf Amigachar,W
- btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if equal
- goto transok2 ; ignore it
- bcf RESET,Ctrlbit
- movf Amigachar,W
- movwf Oldchar
- movlw 0xFF
- movwf Capdown ; set flags for later
- return
- transok2
- movlw 0x3A ; jump if not Capslock up
- subwf Amigachar,W
- btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if equal
- goto transok3 ; ignore it
- bsf RESET,Ctrlbit
- movlw 0x3B ; see if Capslock was just down
- subwf Oldchar,W ;
- btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if equal
- goto transok4 ; use as Ctrl key
- clrf Capdown ; clear flag
- comf Capbit,F ; toggle down/upness of caplock
- movlw 0x3B ; send Capslock down
- btfss Capbit,0x0
- andlw 0xFE
- call actualtransmit
- ; send lights to AT
- movlw 0xED ; Next data is for lights
- call SendtoAT
- bsf Lights,CapsLock ; Capslock on
- btfss Capbit,0x0
- bcf Lights,CapsLock ; Capslock off
- movf Lights,W
- call SendtoAT
- return
- transok4
- btfsc win95,0x0
- return
- clrf CtrlDown
- clrf Capdown ; Capslock has finished acting as ctrl
- movlw 0x38 ; send Ctrl up
- call actualtransmit
- return
- transok3
- movf Amigachar,W
- movwf Savechar2
- movwf Oldchar
- movf Capdown,F ; Capslock down?
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if non-zero i.e caps pressed
- goto nocontrol ; ignore it
- btfsc win95,0x0
- goto nocontrol ; ignore it
- movf CtrlDown,F
- btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if zero i.e caps pressed
- goto nocontrol ; ignore it
- movlw 0xFF
- movwf CtrlDown ; Caps lock is now Ctrl key
- movlw 0x39 ; send Ctrl down
- call actualtransmit
- movf Savechar2,W
- goto actualtransmit
- nocontrol
- movf Amigachar,W
- andlw 0xFE
- sublw 0x44 ; * (Numkey) released
- btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if equal
- clrf AltConfig
- incf AltConfig,F
- movlw 0x28 ; 20 th time?
- subwf AltConfig,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- call config
- movf Amigachar,W
- actualtransmit
- movwf Amigachar
- movlw .5 ; do a 5x256 delay
- call longdelay
- actual2
- movlw .8
- movwf Count1
- clrf Charbad
- f
- btfsc Amigachar,0x7 ; IF bit7=1 THEN Adat=1
- bsf PORTA,Adat
- btfss Amigachar,0x7 ; IF bit7=0 THEN Adat=0
- bcf PORTA,Adat
- movlw .8
- call smalldelay ; Allow Adat logic to settle
- bcf PORTA,Aclk ; transmit
- movlw .8
- call smalldelay ; Allow Aclk logic to settle
- bsf PORTA,Aclk ; reset Aclk=1
- movlw .10
- call smalldelay ; Allow Aclk logic to settle
- rlf Amigachar,F
- decfsz Count1,F ; Transmit next bit?
- goto f
- movlw 0xF
- movwf Count1
- movlw 0xFF
- movwf Count1
- movwf Count2
- bsf TRISA,Adat ; Read acknowledge signal
- ack
- decf Count1,F
- btfsc STATUS,Z
- decf Count2,F
- movf Count2,W ; Count2=0?
- btfsc STATUS,Z
- goto syncup ; no handshake
- btfsc PORTA,Adat ; wait for handshake from amiga
- goto ack
- ready
- btfss PORTA,Adat ; wait for handshake to finish
- goto ready
- bsf PORTA,Adat ; reset Adat=1
- bcf TRISA,Adat ; Return to output mode
- return
- syncup
- bcf PORTA,Aclk ; send another clock pulse
- movlw .8
- call smalldelay ; Allow Aclk logic to settle
- bsf PORTA,Aclk ; reset Aclk=1
- movlw 0xFF
- movwf Count1
- movwf Count2
- decf Count3,F
- btfsc STATUS,Z
- return
- goto ack ; wait for acknowledge again
- ; *** Send character to AT keyboard and wait for handshake ***
- SendtoAT
- movwf Charbad
- resend
- movf Charbad,W
- movwf ATchar
- clrf ATparity
- bsf PORTB,Kclk ; Kclk=1 get keyboards attention
- nop
- bcf PORTB,Kdat ; Kdat=0 get keyboards attention
- bcf TRISB,Kclk ; Kclk is in output mode
- nop
- bcf TRISB,Kdat ; Kdat is in output mode
- movlw .8
- movwf Count1
- bsf TRISB,Kclk ; Kclk is in input mode
- Send4 btfsc PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=0
- goto Send4
- btfsc ATchar,0x0 ; IF bit0=1 THEN Kdat=1
- bsf PORTB,Kdat
- btfss ATchar,0x0 ; IF bit0=0 THEN Kdat=0
- bcf PORTB,Kdat
- rrf ATchar,F ; next bit
- btfsc STATUS,C ; test parity of bit shifted out
- incf ATparity,F
- Send5 btfss PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=1
- goto Send5
- decfsz Count1,F
- goto Send4
- Send6 btfsc PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=0
- goto Send6
- btfsc ATparity,0x0 ; IF bit0=odd THEN Kdat=0 (odd parity)
- bcf PORTB,Kdat
- btfss ATparity,0x0 ; IF bit0=even THEN Kdat=1 (odd parity)
- bsf PORTB,Kdat
- Send7 btfss PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=1
- goto Send7
- Send77 btfsc PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=0
- goto Send77
- bsf PORTB,Kdat ; stop bit
- Send78 btfss PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=1
- goto Send78
- bsf TRISB,Kdat ; reset Kdat back to input mode
- Send79 btfsc PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=0
- goto Send79
- Send7a btfss PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=1
- goto Send7a
- movlw .8
- call smalldelay ; Allow Kclk logic to settle
- bcf PORTB,Kclk ; Kclk=0 Send handshake
- bcf TRISB,Kclk ; Kclk is in output mode
- movlw .20
- call smalldelay ; Allow keyboard chance
- call ATgetkey
- movlw 0xFA ; Was transmission ok
- subwf ATchar,W
- btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if good
- goto resend
- return
- ; *** Waits for keyboard to send code ***
- ATgetkey
- clrf ATchar
- bsf PORTB,Kclk ; Kclk=1 Allow keyboard to talk
- bsf TRISB,Kclk ; Kclk is in input mode
- skip1st btfsc PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=0
- goto skip1st
- skippy btfss PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=1
- goto skippy
- movlw .8
- movwf Count1
- ATwait0
- btfsc PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=0
- goto ATwait0
- rrf ATchar,F
- btfsc PORTB,Kdat
- bsf ATchar,0x7
- btfss PORTB,Kdat
- bcf ATchar,0x7
- ATwait1 btfss PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=1
- goto ATwait1
- decfsz Count1,F
- goto ATwait0 ; get all 8 bits of data
- parity0 btfsc PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=0
- goto parity0
- parity1 btfss PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=1
- goto parity1
- stop0 btfsc PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=0
- goto stop0
- stop1 btfss PORTB,Kclk ; wait for keyboard to make Kclk=1
- goto stop1
- bcf PORTB,Kclk ; Kclk=0 Send handshake
- bcf TRISB,Kclk ; Kclk is in output mode
- movlw .20
- call smalldelay ; Allow keyboard chance to recieve
- return
- ; *** Flash Light ***
- flash
- movwf Lights
- movlw 0xED ; Next data is for lights
- call SendtoAT
- movf Lights,W ; Flash lights
- call SendtoAT
- movlw 0x25
- call longdelay
- movlw 0xED ; Next data is for lights
- call SendtoAT
- movlw 0x0 ; Clear Lights
- call SendtoAT
- movlw 0x25
- call longdelay
- return
- ; *** Performs reset on Amiga ***
- reset
- movlw Resetype
- call readdata
- sublw 0x1
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- goto kill ; jump if fast reset
- movlw 0x0F ; Tell amiga we are going to reset it
- call actualtransmit
- movlw 0x8
- movwf Count3
- strobe movlw 0x1
- call flash
- movlw 0x2
- call flash
- movlw 0x4
- call flash
- decfsz Count3,F
- goto strobe
- kill
- movlw 0x70
- call longdelay
- bcf PORTB,Arst ; Arst=0 Send reset
- bcf TRISB,Arst ; Arst is in output mode
- movlw 0xFF
- call longdelay ; Wait for Amiga to reset
- goto start2
- start
- ; *** Allow time for HardDrive to spin upto speed ***
- SpinUp
- bcf PORTB,Arst ; Arst=0 Send reset
- bcf TRISB,Arst ; Arst is in output mode
- movlw 0x30
- movwf Count3
- waitHD
- movlw 0xFF
- call longdelay ; Wait for drive to wake up
- decfsz Count3,F
- goto waitHD
- start2
- ; *** Setup ports ***
- bsf PORTA,Aclk ; transmit
- nop
- bsf PORTA,Adat
- movlw 0x7
- movwf TRISA
- movlw 0xFF
- movwf TRISB
- ; *** Clear out miscellaneous flags ***
- clrf Capdown
- clrf CtrlDown
- clrf Capbit
- clrf Oldchar
- clrf AltConfig
- movlw 0x7
- movwf RESET
- ; *** See what sort of keyboard is attached ***
- clrf win95
- movlw Keytype
- call readdata
- sublw 0x2
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- comf win95 ; win95=true or false
- ; *** Wait for AT keyboard to power up ***
- waitAT
- btfss PORTB,Kdat ; wait for AT keyboard
- goto waitAT
- ; *** Reset AT keyboard ***
- ; movlw 0xFF ; Reset
- ; call SendtoAT
- movlw 0xF6 ; Default
- call SendtoAT
- movlw 0x7
- call flash
- movlw 0xED ; Next data is for lights
- call SendtoAT
- movlw 0x2
- movwf Lights
- call SendtoAT
- movlw 0xF4 ; Clear buffer
- call SendtoAT
- ATstyle
- movf RESET,F
- btfsc STATUS,Z
- goto reset
- call ATgetkey
- movlw 0xE1
- subwf ATchar,W
- btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if equal
- goto ATnE1
- call ATgetkey ; should be $14
- call ATgetkey ; should be $77
- call ATgetkey ; should be $E1
- call ATgetkey ; should be $F0
- call ATgetkey ; should be $14
- call ATgetkey ; should be $F0
- call ATgetkey ; should be $77
- goto ATstyle
- ATnE1
- clrf tableoffset
- movlw 0xE0
- subwf ATchar,W
- btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if equal
- goto ATnE0
- movlw 0x80
- movwf tableoffset
- call ATgetkey
- movlw 0xF0
- subwf ATchar,W
- btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if equal
- goto ATnE0F0
- call ATgetkey
- movlw 0x12
- subwf ATchar,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- goto ATstyle ; E0F012 ignore it
- ATnEF12
- movlw 0x59
- subwf ATchar,W
- btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if equal
- goto ATup
- goto ATstyle ; E0F059 ignore it
- ATnE0F0
- movlw 0x12
- subwf ATchar,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- goto ATstyle ; E012 ignore it
- ATnE012
- movlw 0x59
- subwf ATchar,W
- btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if equal
- goto ATdown
- goto ATstyle ; E059 ignore it
- ATnE0
- movlw 0xF0
- subwf ATchar,W
- btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if equal
- goto ATdown
- call ATgetkey
- goto ATup ; F0= key released
- ATdown
- incf ATchar,W
- addwf tableoffset,W
- call ATtb1
- addlw 0x0 ; test W
- btfss STATUS,Z
- call amigatransmit
- goto ATstyle
- ATup
- incf ATchar,W
- addwf tableoffset,W
- movwf tableoffset
- movlw 0xAF+1 ; menu key
- subwf tableoffset,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- goto ATstyle ; ignore it
- movlw 0x84+1 ; PrtScrn
- subwf tableoffset,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- goto ATstyle ; ignore it
- movlw 0xE9+1 ; End
- subwf tableoffset,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- goto ATstyle ; ignore it
- movlw 0xEC+1 ; Home
- subwf tableoffset,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- goto ATstyle ; ignore it
- movlw 0xF0+1 ; Insert
- subwf tableoffset,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- goto ATstyle ; ignore it
- movlw 0xFA+1 ; PageDown
- subwf tableoffset,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- goto ATstyle ; ignore it
- movlw 0xFC+1 ; PrtScrn
- subwf tableoffset,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- goto ATstyle ; ignore it
- movlw 0xFD+1 ; PageUp
- subwf tableoffset,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- goto ATstyle ; ignore it
- movlw 0xFE+1 ; Break
- subwf tableoffset,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- goto ATstyle ; ignore it
- movf tableoffset,W
- call ATtb1
- andlw 0xFE ; clear bit 0
- call amigatransmit
- goto ATstyle
- ; *** Change configuration ***
- config
- clrf eeaddress
- movlw 0x3B ; CAPSLOCK ON
- call actualtransmit
- call say_select ; Select Type of
- call say_key ; key
- movlw 0x95 ; b
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xCF ; o
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xBF ; a
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xD9 ; r
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xBB ; d
- call sendmessage
- call say_option1 ; 1=
- call say_uk10 ; uk 10
- movlw 0xFB ; 2
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x7F ; space
- call sendmessage
- call say_key ; key
- call say_option2 ; 2=
- call say_uk10 ; uk 10
- movlw 0xF5 ; 5
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x7F ; space
- call sendmessage
- call say_key ; key
- movlw 0x7F ; space
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xDD ; w
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xD1 ; i
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x93 ; n
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xED ; 9
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xF5 ; 5
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x77 ; return
- call sendmessage
- call getselection
- movwf eedata
- movf eedata,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not zero
- goto config ; bad choice, try again
- call writedata
- call say_ok
- clrf win95
- movlw Keytype
- call readdata
- sublw 0x2
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- comf win95 ; win95=true or false
- incf eeaddress
- askreset
- call say_select ; Select Type of
- call say_reset ; reset
- call say_option1 ; 1=
- movlw 0xB9 ; f
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xBF ; a
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xBD ; s
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xD7 ; t
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x7F ; space
- call sendmessage
- call say_reset ; reset
- call say_option2 ; 2=
- movlw 0xBD ; s
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xAF ; l
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xCF ; o
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xDD ; w
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x7F ; space
- call sendmessage
- call say_reset ; reset
- movlw 0x77 ; return
- call sendmessage
- call getselection
- movwf eedata
- movf eedata,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not zero
- goto askreset ; bad choice, try again
- call writedata
- call say_ok
- clrf AltConfig
- movlw 0x7E ; space up
- movf Capdown,F ; Capslock down?
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if non-zero i.e caps pressed
- movlw 0x3A ; Caps up
- movwf Amigachar
- return
- say_select
- movlw 0x77 ; return x2
- call sendmessage
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xBD ; s
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xDB ; e
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xAF ; l
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xDB ; e
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x99 ; c
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xD7 ; t
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x7F ; space
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xD7 ; t
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xD5 ; y
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xCD ; p
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xDB ; e
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x7F ; space
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xCF ; o
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xB9 ; f
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x7F ; space
- call sendmessage
- return
- say_key
- movlw 0xB1 ; k
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xDB ; e
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xD5 ; y
- call sendmessage
- return
- say_option1
- movlw 0x77 ; return x2
- call sendmessage
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xFD ; 1
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xE7 ; =
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x7F ; space
- call sendmessage
- return
- say_option2
- movlw 0x77 ; return
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xFB ; 2
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xE7 ; =
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x7F ; space
- call sendmessage
- return
- say_uk10
- movlw 0xD3 ; u
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xB1 ; k
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x7F ; space
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xFD ; 1
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xEB ; 0
- call sendmessage
- return
- say_ok
- movlw 0xCF ; o
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xB1 ; k
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0x77 ; return
- call sendmessage
- return
- say_reset
- movlw 0xD9 ; r
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xDB ; e
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xBD ; s
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xDB ; e
- call sendmessage
- movlw 0xD7 ; t
- call sendmessage
- return
- sendmessage
- movwf Savechar
- call actualtransmit
- movf Savechar,W
- andlw 0xFE
- call actualtransmit
- movf Savechar,W
- return
- getselection
- call ATgetkey
- call ATgetkey
- call ATgetkey
- movlw 0x16 ; was key 1 pressed and released
- subwf ATchar,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- retlw 0x1
- movlw 0x1E ; was key 2 pressed and released
- subwf ATchar,W
- btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if not equal
- retlw 0x2
- retlw 0x0
- writedata
- movf eeaddress,W
- movwf EEADR
- movf eedata,W
- movwf EEDATA
- bsf EECON1,WREN ; EEPROM write enable
- movlw 0x55
- movwf EECON2
- movlw 0xAA
- movwf EECON2
- bsf EECON1,WR
- wait_write
- btfss EECON1,EEIF ; wait for write to finish
- goto wait_write
- clrf EECON1 ; EEPROM write disable & int accept
- return
- readdata
- movwf EEADR
- bsf EECON1,RD ; EEPROM read
- movf EEDATA,W
- return
- end